After the world’s longest school closures in the world, PEAS shared their learnings in an education conference in Uganda.

On 10 February, PEAS hosted #PEASEducationConference in Kampala, Uganda, and on our YouTube channel

After two years of school closures due to Covid-19, we are excited to reopen our schools and hear stories from our staff and students about their experiences.

Learn about how we were innovatively able to continue delivering inclusive education while the schools were shut and how we are now safely reopening our schools.



Sessions during the conference included:

• 10 – 1045 am Presentation and discussion on the impact of Covid-19 on education and how we have offered psychosocial support to staff

• 11am – 12pmHow we are driving evidence-based school improvements through our work in systems strengthening

• 12 – 1pm Delivering inclusive education for all, with a focus on supporting girls education

• 2 – 2.45pm How we are reopening schools safely

• 9.30-10am Poems and talks from students about their experiences

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