After the world’s longest lockdown, we spoke to Miremba, a student at one of our schools in Uganda about her experience.

My name is Miremba and I am 18 years old. I am in senior year three. I live in Kyamusoni village in a temporary house made from mud. I live with my parent and my three brothers and two sisters.

I started attending the Peas Frontiers Secondary School in February 2019. This past lockdown was exceptionally long. The school finally reopened on 10 January 2022. During the lockdown, PEAS gave us learning packs and then they sent text messages through our parent’s phones. They also broadcasted classes on the radio three times a week.

Life after lockdown

I was excited when the schools reopened, as I could reconnect with my friends and teachers who I have not seen for a long time. I was also excited because I could study again. The teachers have put measures in place for us to finish the curriculum successfully.

I love the academic performance, plus the buildings look nice. At the end of senior four, most students here pass with very few failures. The compound is exceptionally clean and has little to no noise.

It is a huge change compared to my primary school, where the buildings were badly made, not even from cement. I had to walk a long distance to get to that school. Now it is very close for me. I used to have to walk at least one hour to get to my primary school.

Since this school has been built many more children can attend and parents are willing to take their children here every day. At other schools, lunch is not provided. Luckily here it is. We come to school without packing lunch which is a huge help to many families. Also, the school fees are low compared to other schools in the area.

Learning to live with others

If it were not for this school, I might not have been able to attend secondary school as my parents would have struggled with the fees. Here I have learned to live with other people in the community as we are all interacting here at school every day.

My favourite subject is history which is taught by teacher Izak. His knowledge is extremely broad, and he explains everything in a way that is easy to understand. I play netball and recently joined the girl’s club. I like netball as it keeps me fit, and at the girl’s club, I learn skills like knitting and making baskets from scratch.

When I leave school, I want to become a nurse or a teacher. So, I can contribute to the life of the Ugandan population.

If you would like to help more girls like Miremba go back to school donate at #everygirlinschool

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