Education begins with teachers. And with this year’s theme for World Teachers’ Day focusing on how the transformation of education begins with teachers, we share insights on how we support school leaders and teachers to drive school and learner-level improvement.

So, for this World Teachers’ Day, we are sharing our PEAS Top 10, a comprehensive set of evidence-based teaching practices.

What is the PEAS Top 10?



How was the Top 10 created? 

After observing 59 of our most effective teachers, using an adapted version of the World Bank’s TEACH tool, and interviewing 13 Instructional Leadership Teams, we pulled together which were the best practices and approaches being used. We also reviewed international evidence on what drives learning, including cognitive science research about how our brains learn to inform the creation of the Top 10.

How are learners supported?

To help students succeed, we focus on which practices and approaches are the most effective at driving student learning so that they are given the right support.

How are teachers supported?

Our Top 10 creates a consistent understanding of what ‘great’ teaching looks like within our contexts and is at the core of our approach to teacher development. Leaders regularly support teachers to help them develop the Top 10 skills and deliver learner-centered lessons through school-based continuous professional development, including teacher training, lesson observations, and feedback.

Why is the Top 10 important?

Evidence shows that teachers are a key driver of student learning. Consistently using the Top 10 supports teachers to deliver lessons that meet the needs of our students, who often come from poorer households and make faster learning progress.

All areas of the Uganda and Zambia education systems were impacted by the school closures due to Covid-19. Learning loss and child protection were both key concerns during this period. It was not just the learners who missed out on a significant period of their education, but teachers weren’t able to practice or develop their professional skills during this time.

This highlights the importance, now more than ever, of the central role of the PEAS Top 10.

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