After decades of investment, primary education is almost universal. This is a success story, but one that comes with its own challenges. Enrolment in secondary education is set to double in the 15 years leading to 2030, but funding has not kept up. Meeting this growing demand will be an unprecedented challenge; one that PEAS is on a mission to tackle.

PEAS is one of the largest secondary school networks in Sub-Saharan Africa. For 15 years, we have been committed to expanding access to inclusive, high-quality secondary education in Sub-Saharan Africa. PEAS schools act as exemplars to demonstrate to others how to deliver high quality secondary education at a low cost so all young people can benefit.

In 2008, we were teaching 200 students at PEAS’ two schools. Today, our 36 schools reach over 19,000 students and we are reaching a further 150,000 students through PEAS 300 partner schools across Uganda, Zambia and Ghana.


Latest news from PEAS

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