Our latest results show that schools receiving PEAS support in Zambia have seen increases in enrolment, as well as student and teacher attendance, in our six-month pilot.

The pilot began in October 2021 and was implemented in 20 schools across the Northern Province with a focus on strengthening leadership and management to improve learning quality. We discovered that between October 2021 and February 2022, enrolment increased by 12 per cent, student attendance improved by 10 per cent, and teacher attendance improved by six per cent.

The project, which is called TIEEZ, and stands for Targeted Improvement for Equitable Education in Zambia, is a system strengthening initiative aimed at providing technical assistance to primary schools in Zambia. The programme, which is funded by USAID, begins with a needs assessment followed by support to schools and school leaders to improve teaching and learning (with particular focus on literacy), student welfare, and staff professional development.

The learnings from this pilot will inform continued support to these schools and will inform our approach as we scale up our TIEEZ programme to additional schools, so stay tuned for further updates.

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