We’re excited to share the latest Grade 9 exam results in Zambia show that PEAS students have performed higher than the national average.

The PEAS network achieved its highest set of Grade 9 results compared to previous years, with an average pass rate of 69 per cent (68 per cent of girls and 70 per cent of boys passed). We also attained our highest proportion of passes at Grade 12 on record, marking the third year of a steady rise in results since 2019.

Kabuta School students sat their exams for the first time since the school opened and performed 12 percentage points higher than national schools and included a  95 per cent pass rate among girls.

Amos Chipasi, School Network Senior Manager, in Zambia said: “PEAS teachers and students did not allow the Covid-19 wave to stop them. Instead, with resilience, hard work and a willingness to adapt and implement catch-up measures they achieved these better results.”

So what worked well?

During the school closures due to Covid-19, PEAS continued to deliver quality learning remotely via PEAS radio, teacher calls and learning groups.

For the boys, who listened to PEAS radio, received calls from their teacher and attended cluster learning groups, they were more likely to achieve a Certificate than their peers who didn’t. While for girls, those who received an SMS did better than those who hadn’t.

We also strengthened our literacy and numeracy programs for students who could not read and write, supervised PREP by class teachers and time-tabled a homework policy and gave extra support outside school hours. While teachers had extra CPD Sessions and provided soft copy study materials such as past exam papers.

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