Zambia’s most recent school results from 2022 reveal PEAS schools have performed consistently higher than national average since 2016.

In contrast to the results at the national level, where both boys’ and girls’ performance was equal, across the PEAS network, girls at outperformed the boys by 11% points.

So, what worked well?

By finishing the syllabus in Term 2, ample time was provided in Term 3 for thorough revision, allowing students to enter their exams feeling prepared.

Results indicated that the strong performance of girls could mainly be attributed to girls who are in boarding. Boarding facilities allow students from further away to safely enrol and stay in school without long daily walks. The students are on school site for longer with higher safety, better lighting, more access to teachers and academic materials, and less distractions and responsibility, such as chores they would be expected to do at home.

How will we improve?

To continue achieving such high performance, PEAS will intensify long term interventions such as common schemes of work and assessments, updated Top 10 and subject specific trainings in Math, ICT, Science, and digital solutions.

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