05 07 23

Inspections and improvements in Ugandan secondary schools – an analysis of policies and practices

05 07 23

This report by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) presents findings and recommendations from a political economy analysis (PEA) of secondary school inspections and improvements in Uganda. Our research examines the interplay between formal and informal contextual factors and stakeholders relevant to the topic. We adapted the PEA approach to study education-system issues by covering three interrelated educational contexts: policy implementation and practice, agenda-setting and policy formulation.


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Key Findings

  • Secondary school inspections are a core school improvement mechanism whose outcomes depend on very context-specific factors.
  • The needs, facilitators and barriers faced by the different types of Ugandan secondary schools influence the ability of inspections to drive improvements.
  • For a school to improve, there often needs to be extensive coordination between stakeholders at different levels of the education system, including school leaders, school staff, school communities, district officials, school inspectors, MOES divisions and policymakers.
  • Improving secondary school quality at scale requires consideration of the ability of the secondary education sector as a whole to facilitate improvements.
  • The I&I programme has set a benchmark for secondary education quality and accountability in Uganda.
  • I&I’s ability to scale up, influence education policy and practice and effect widespread system-level change will depend on resource levels and the programme’s ability to work with and through the Ugandan education sector’s governance system.

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